Monday, December 27, 2010

Recording Again!

So I was in the Studio again December 23 to finish up some more songs! I got "Pedal to the Metal" and "Belong" both completely finished. Unfortunately, my producer went out of town for the  holidays so I have nothing to show for it just yet...but soon I shall have 6 songs completely recorded and hopefully...available for purchase on Itunes!! That would be Fun.
So just thought I would keep people updated.
That is the latest and greatest in my world, and I will spend this next week working 7 days to pay for recording last week.
First I play, then I pay. But it is worth it to share my music with the world! I feel like some sort  of hypnotic, hippie-preacher when I say things like that. Yay. :)
Well, this is only my second blog post and I am unsure what else needs to be said. So, in the words of an infamous pig.
That's All Folks!
Selah Rees

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hello Everybody!

Hey Everyone!
I have finally made it to blog-land!
I was back in the Studio yesterday recording more of my music and got two more songs finished! "In Love with you too" and "Loved Regardless" will be up for downloading soon along with "Ballad of a Heart" and "Your Shoes." I just created a Facebook fan page where I will try to keep everybody updated. this is my main page but you can get to my fan page by clicking on the link in my status. Stay tuned for further updates!